Immigration and Refugee Ministries
This week, two pieces of legislation concerning immigration policies have been considered by the United States Congress. One focuses on Title 42 and the other on the Afghan Adjustment Act.
This week, two pieces of legislation concerning immigration policies have been considered by the United States Congress. One focuses on Title 42 and the other on the Afghan Adjustment Act.
Christmas just isn’t complete without Advent activities, caroling, and church services. With that in mind, we have a variety of options for you for this Advent and Christmas season.
St. Paul’s and other faith partners will be hosting the TIHAN October Poz Cafe. Supporting Poz Cafe is a yearly outreach event for St. Paul’s. We will be collecting items for the care packages from Sunday, October 2 through through Sunday, October 16.
St. Francis in the Foothills United Methodist Church (UMC) in Tucson invites you to two events for the LGBTQIA+ community. Dare to Care will take place at St. Francis UMC on Saturday, August 13, 2022 at 4625 E River Road.
St. Paul’s Summer Youth Group is upon us! It is a mix of activities on and off our church campus, including a few being hosted at a few of our church member’s homes. Friends are always invited!
St. Paul’s is getting ready to sponsor a refugee family, as part of our ministry with the UMCOR Mustard Seed Grant. Meredith Joubert, Director of Family Ministries, reflects upon the times that we hosted refugees on our campus in 2019. Part 1 of a two part series.
Want to help support Kijabe Preschool in Kenya raise money for school uniforms? Buy a goat (or a uniform)!
St. Paul’s peanut butter drive has ended, as we helped collect over 500 jars of this vital food for Interfaith Community Services (ICS). We partnered with 120 faith communities to help ICS meet their goal of 10,000 jars collected in July. On Wednesday, July 28, 519 jars – about a quarter ton of peanut butter – were delivered to ICS.
We have an opportunity on August 28 to live out our mission to be “a community of generosity and love” to members of our community. That day our church will host many, many families as they bring their children and youth to begin their season with Upward Basketball. So why not do our part to help make their experience on our campus a fantastic one?!
The Mustard Seed Migration Grant program has named St. Paul’s as a recipient for 2021. The grant is provided by the Global Ministries program of the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR).