St. Paul’s 60th Anniversary

St. Pauls UMC Tucson pastors and former pastors at the 60th Anniversary Celebration

On February 14, St. Paul’s UMC will be 60 years old. To celebrate, there will be a single Sunday service at 10 am on February 16, 2020, with special music and guests. The service will feature combined music from the Early Bird Choir, Grace Multiplied and the Sanctuary Singers.

Former pastors, staff and their families are coming back to worship and fellowship with us. We will be honored to have Pastor Bob Ray, St. Paul’s first pastor, in attendance.

We will especially recognize and honor those members who joined our church in the 1960s.

Following the service, at 11:30 am, there will be a potluck luncheon in the Billy and Ann Still Life Center.

St. Paul’s also has a wish list of items for the kitchen and nursery. Go to Amazon Smile to choose and buy an item.

For more information, please call or email the church office at 520-296-6149 or