We continue, broken, day in and day out, hopelessly applying quick fixes to our worries. We may remember a prayer that grandmamma taught us, or a lesson learned the hard way, or a word from the Word spoken by a sage. We long for relief, we seek it, search for it, yearn for it - relief that can't be purchased or bartered. But we remember that God invites us to drink from His waters and to never thirst again.
God has led us in the past and will continue to lead us in the future. His faithfulness to us does not depend upon our faithfulness to Him. Often we have failed to follow His leadership. We have sown seeds of war, not peace; we have spoken words of anger, not love; we have failed to build bridges with our neighbors when we should reach out to them in Jesus’ name. We repent of these sins and ask forgiveness.
On this first Sunday in Lent, we join Jesus in the wilderness, a place of wild and dangerous things. A place of testing and temptation away from the security of home. As we face our own frailty, we realize that the wilderness is not nearly as dangerous as our choices to prioritize selfish gain and hoarding of power. We find our security in Jesus, who does not waver from the truth.
Today is the fifth Sunday in Lent, and also UMCOR Sunday in the United Methodist Church. Rev. Ron Bartlow concludes our Lenten sermon series "Courageous Faith: Values and Practices for…
Today is the fourth Sunday in Lent. Rev. Ron Bartlow continues our Lenten sermon series "Courageous Faith: Values and Practices for When Life Gets Hard". Creative reading of Scripture helps…
Today is the third Sunday in Lent. Rev. Ron Bartlow continues our Lenten sermon series "Courageous Faith: Values and Practices for When Life Gets Hard". Worship is putting God first…
Today is the second Sunday in Lent. Rev. Ron Bartlow continues our Lenten sermon series "Courageous Faith: Values and Practices for When Life Gets Hard". How does Jesus' death help…
Today begins the first Sunday in Lent. Rev. Ron Bartlow begins a Lenten sermon series "Courageous Faith: Values and Practices for When Life Gets Hard". The Old Testament story of…
Today is the fifth Sunday of Lent. Rev. Ron Bartlow gives the sermon "Who Could Stand" (Ezekiel 37:1-14 and John 11:1-45). We stumble, fall, even die, but God raises us…
Today is the fourth Sunday of Lent. Rev. Meredith Joubert gives the sermon on "Chosen" (1 Samuel 16:1-13 and John 9:1-41). Let us know you're here!