Strengthen the Church: Come Welcome Upward Families

child with basketball, Image by Angel Salazar from Pixabay

From Reverend Ron Bartlow

Friends, on August 28 we will have an opportunity, through a little effort on our part, to make a positive impact on our community and church. One of the characteristics of a healthy, vital, “fruitful” congregation – as described by Robert Schnase in his book, Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations, – is “radical hospitality,” described as an active welcome that exceeds basic expectations. Schnase writes, “Hospitality is a quality of spiritual initiative, the practice of an active and genuine love, a graciousness unaffected by self-interest, an opening of ourselves and our faith community to receive others” (p. 20).

We have an opportunity on August 28 to live out our mission to be “a community of generosity and love” to members of our community. That day our church will host many, many families as they bring their children and youth to begin their season with Upward Basketball. So why not do our part to help make their experience on our campus a fantastic one?!

In coming weeks, you’ll see an organized opportunity to express our commitment to our mission, as we “roll out the welcome mat” for these families. Any and every one is invited to take part in how we show hospitality that day. Please watch for details in our weekly emails and bulletins, and then join us as we seek to live out our mission together.