The “Charge Conference”
It’s time for another edition of “Methodist Speak” from Rev. Ron! You may have seen the notice that we are holding a “charge conference” in just a few weeks. Well, what is that? And what does it mean?
It’s time for another edition of “Methodist Speak” from Rev. Ron! You may have seen the notice that we are holding a “charge conference” in just a few weeks. Well, what is that? And what does it mean?
St. Paul’s is getting ready to sponsor a refugee family, as part of our ministry with the UMCOR Mustard Seed Grant. Meredith Joubert, Director of Family Ministries, reflects upon the times that we hosted refugees on our campus in 2019. Part 1 of a two part series.
Do you know about Francis Asbury? So many of our churches are named after him, or have a meeting room or library named in his honor. Who is he? And what is his connection to The United Methodist Church?
St. Paul’s is, always has been, and should always be about the gathering of people seeking to know and grow in love for God and neighbor. We are the church together!
I would likely not have discerned my calling to ordained ministry were it not for summer camps hosted by United Methodist Camp and Retreat Ministries; and the funny thing is, I never even attended as a camper!
At St. Paul’s Blessing of the Animals ceremony, all pets were welcomed, even snakes.
Rev. Ron’s Blog: Faithful stewardship is an important part of discipleship and church life.
Want to help support Kijabe Preschool in Kenya raise money for school uniforms? Buy a goat (or a uniform)!
St. Paul’s peanut butter drive has ended, as we helped collect over 500 jars of this vital food for Interfaith Community Services (ICS). We partnered with 120 faith communities to help ICS meet their goal of 10,000 jars collected in July. On Wednesday, July 28, 519 jars – about a quarter ton of peanut butter – were delivered to ICS.
The Mustard Seed Migration Grant program has named St. Paul’s as a recipient for 2021. The grant is provided by the Global Ministries program of the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR).