Drive-In Worship Starts April 18th

St. Paul’s will start a four week trial Drive-In Worship service on Sunday, April 18 at 9 am. The service is designed to allow people to attend worship while sitting in their cars. The shortened service will be broadcast so that everyone can listen to it on their car radio.  You will not need  masks because we are asking that people keep their windows rolled up.

The service outline is simple. It will begin with a welcome from our host Vance Luke. It will be followed by two musical pieces performed by various members of our Worship Team. Pastor Peter Vaught will preach and close with a prayer.

The service will be held at the southeast parking lot of the St. Paul’s campus (Brummet Hall will be behind you). Vance and Pastor Pete will be on the berm and you will be parking with the back of you car toward Brummet Hall. Follow the hosts and the traffic cones.

We look forward to joining with you in this unique worship setting.