Coronavirus Updates

St. Paul's UMC Sanctuary

COVID-19 Mitigation Update

After having considered recently updated guidelines from the CDC and Pima County Health Department, St. Paul’s is updating our COVID-19 mitigation measures effective immediately. In order to provide a safe setting for people of all ages to continue to gather in person, we ask everyone to follow these mask and distancing procedures.

Anyone onsite and indoors, over the age of three, is asked to wear an appropriate face mask. Leaders or speakers adequately distanced from others will be exempted from wearing a mask while presenting.

We encourage physical distancing of approximately six feet during worship and any other group sessions. Please be very cautious of physical contact with others, respecting their space and wishes.

St. Paul’s is guided by local infection information. Read more about our COVID Mitigation Thresholds.

For the time being we will continue to host services at our usual times and include congregational singing during worship. Worship continues to be live-streamed at both 8:00am and 9:30am (internet connection permitting), so if you are uncomfortable with our procedures or with gathering publicly we invite you to connect with us online.

The church office continues to have regular office hours, 9 am to 3 pm, Monday through Thursday. Please call ahead however, as staff may be working remotely.

Please remember that our Sunday offerings are essential in our church’s financial needs. Please consider giving online or mailing in a check. We won’t pass offering plates during services, though baskets are available as you exit the sanctuary.

Children’s Sunday School

Children’s Sunday School is at 9:30 am in the A-frame Building for children from age four through 5th grade. For planning purposes, please contact Meredith Joubert, Director of Family Ministries, if your children will attend. St. Paul’s is not providing nursery care for children under age four at this time. Children are always welcome to attend worship service with their family.

Got Questions?

Please contact the church office via email with any questions. You may also contact Reverend Ron Bartlow at