Best of the Year (Sermon Series)
We’ll begin 2024 with a sermon series looking back upon some of the most impactful, “best” things of 2023! Join us as we consider the Words, Movie, Person and Character of the Year.
We’ll begin 2024 with a sermon series looking back upon some of the most impactful, “best” things of 2023! Join us as we consider the Words, Movie, Person and Character of the Year.
Christmas just isn’t complete without Advent activities, caroling, and church services. With that in mind, we have a variety of options for you for this Advent and Christmas season.
We are encouraging every one who considers St. Paul’s United Methodist Church your church home to join us for a special Sunday celebration of inspiring worship and fellowship over a catered lunch!
Some weeks I find more in the Scriptural text, or my research thereof, than I can share in a standard sermon, and I have to choose what to include lest I preach longer than our average attention span cares to engage. With that in mind, and with so much good material drawn particularly from the inimitable Walter Brueggemann’s “Exodus” portion of The New Interpreter’s Bible Volume 1, I thought I’d share more here on our blog. Blessings to you who choose to visit and read!
Join the Women’s Fall Bible Study with Rev. Meredith Joubert! Beginning Thursday, August 17, we will study the book of Galatians in a Beth Moore and Melissa Moore study called “Now That Faith Has Come”.
The world’s bestselling, most-read, and most-loved book is also one of the most confusing. In Making Sense of the Bible, Adam Hamilton, one of the country’s leading pastors and Christian authors, addresses the hot-button issues that plague the church and cultural debate, and answers many of the questions frequently asked by Christians and non-Christians alike.
Join with others this fall for a fun and information consideration of… moral philosophy? Written by Michael Schur (creator of The Good Place, co-creator of Parks and Recreation and Brooklyn Nine-Nine and contributing writer/actor on The Office), How to Be Perfect: The Correct Answer to Every Moral Question is a hilarious, thought-provoking guide to living an ethical life, drawing on 2,400 years of deep thinking from around the world. With humor and wisdom, Schur invites readers to the core journey of morality and ethics – to be better tomorrow than they were today.
St. Paul’s UMC Wonderful Wednesdays return this summer! Each Wednesday of from June 7 to July 19 (except July 5), we will have dinner and fellowship together, from 5:00 to 7:30 pm.
Join us for Holy Week and Easter Services! Palm Sunday (April 2), Good Friday (April 7) and Easter (April 9).
Rev. Ron Bartlow leads a four-week class for any who would like to learn more about the history of our Methodist movement as it was experienced in England. In these four sessions we will focus on the historical setting of 18th Century England, in which John and Charles Wesley began the Methodist movement