Growing with Grace

As we grow in grace, we learn to jettison those things that separate us from God and God’s love and pursue those that help that love be made real in our world. In the new year, Rev. Ron Bartlow will lead us through seven key turning points in his faith – sharing stories, experiences, and Biblical lessons that have contributed to his ongoing growth as a disciple of Christ.

Looking Inward, Living Outward (Worship Series)

Based on Daniel Wolpert’s book of the same name, during the month of September our worship series Looking Inward, Living Outward will draw from the wisdom of the sermon on the mount to inspire us to live after Jesus’ example. Each week we will consider practices of faith rooted in Jesus’ teaching, and how those practices lead us to live in such a way that the world around usmight be transformed for the better.

Looking Inward, Living Outward (Prayer Retreat)

St. Paul’s United Methodist Church invites you to a special one day Prayer Retreat with author Daniel Wolpert. Daniel Wolpert, a healer and student of the spiritual life, has worked as a research scientist, psychologist, spiritual director, farmer, teacher, and construction worker. He has spent forty years teaching in the fields of wellness and spiritual formation, and founded the Minnesota Institute for Contemplation and Healing.