Anniversary Memories

In February, 2025, St. Paul’s United Methodist Church will celebrate its 65th anniversary of serving Christ and our local Tucson community. As we prepare for a celebration in worship on Sunday, February 16, we invite you to share your memories of decades past. These memories will be shared in worship in our bulletin, on the screen, or perhaps within the service itself.

What is happening with Methodist “Disaffiliations”?

Some of our church members, as well as people who may just be curious about what they hear in the news, are looking to know more about what is happening the The United Methodist Church as they hear about “disaffiliations.” Here is a summary of information, originally shared in a congregational meeting in April, 2023 but updated this August, about what is going on.

We are Connected!

John Wesley, founder of the Methodist movement, used the term “connexion” to describe the connection between the Methodist societies of his day, and the term has continued to be used in both British and United Methodism (though United Methodists spell it differently!) to this day. We celebrate the way that the people and congregation of St. Paul’s United Methodist Church are connected with others around the world!