Bible 101

open Bible Image by mmi9

Start the new year off in God’s Word!

For whatever reason, “getting more exercise” and “reading the Bible more” often top Christians’ resolutions for the new year. We seem to know these things may be good for us, but then we struggled with the how’s, when’s, and why’s. With that in mind, Rev. Ron is going to offer in early January a three-week class on the Bible. This is not a “read through the Bible” or even a “read this book of the Bible” class, but rather an introduction to and brief overview of the entirety of our holy Scriptures.

This class will be offered in the Serendipity Room
on Wednesdays,
January 5, 12, and 19,
from 7:00 to 8:30PM.

It will also be shared via Zoom live (and we will do our best to integrate virtual participants in to the class session). If you want to join us, we ask you to RSVP by Monday, January 3rd so that we can print enough materials.

There will be a booklet for all who take part in the class, with space for notes; all you need to bring is your Bible and a pen. The content for this class has been drafted by Rev. Ron as part of “re:Confirm,” a group of academic, informational lessons he has created presenting expanded confirmation content for adult learners. While our hope is that you will develop your own transformational devotional life of reading the Scriptures, this class will go a bit more in depth into the origins and organization of Scriptures and spends less time on personal reflection upon them. Sessions will be organized around the following questions:

  • January 5: Introduction: Getting To Know Your Bible
    What is the Bible? Why do we have it and why is it important? How did the Bible come to be? Who wrote the Bible? Why are there so many different versions of the Bible and how are they different? How do we use the Bible? What does The United Methodist Church believe about the Bible?
  • January 12: Getting to Know The Old Testament
    How is the Bible organized? Why are Catholic Bibles different from Protestant Bibles? What is the Old Testament? What are the books of the Old Testament and what are they about?
  • January 19: Getting to Know The New Testament
    What is the New Testament? What are the books of the New Testament and what are they about?

To help us prepare, please RSVP your intent to join us for this class, and indicate whether that will be in person or online. You can RSVP by clicking here to send us an email.