Looking Inward, Living Outward (Prayer Retreat)

St. Paul’s United Methodist Church invites you to a special one day Prayer Retreat with author Daniel Wolpert.

Daniel Wolpert, a healer and student of the spiritual life, has worked as a research scientist, psychologist, spiritual director, farmer, teacher, and construction worker. He has spent forty years teaching in the fields of wellness and spiritual formation, and founded the Minnesota Institute for Contemplation and Healing.

Daniel is the author of several books, recently releasing his newest: Looking Inward, Living Outward. This book invites us to life-changing personal prayerful practices rooted in Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, that in turn can transform our society. We have invited Daniel to lead a special retreat on Saturday, September 7, 2024 and also to preach in our worship services on Sunday, September 8, because this book and its theme tie so closely to our church’s vision of “communities transformed because people are.”

Through a rhythm of presentation, invitation to practice, and reflective conversation Dan will introduce us to the four spiritual stages of his new book: Preparing the Ground, Growing Relationships, Sharing the Abundance, Nourishing the World. After this retreat rhythm in the morning, we invite you to join us for lunch and a more informal Q&A about Daniel’s presentation and/or other works.

Daniel is the author of Creating a Life with God: The Call of Ancient Prayer Practices, Living a Life with God: The Practice of Spiritual Wisdom, The Collapse of the Three Story Universe: Christianity in an Age of Science, and Creation’s Wisdom: Spiritual Practice and Climate Change.

We welcome all to join us. Registration is optional unless you wish to join us for lunch or utilize our childcare services. While there is no cost for the retreat or childcare, if you wish childcare you must register and indicate so by Sunday, September 1. If you wish to join us for lunch, please register by September 1 and bring a $10 donation to help offset the cost.

Daniel will have copies of this book available to purchase on the day of the event. This morning prayer event is modeled after the experience of The Upper Room’s Academy for Spiritual Formation, balancing times of learning with practice and reflection.


8:30 am – Registration, coffee, Refreshments in Brummet Hall

9:00 am – Presentation, Practice, and Reflection with Daniel Wolpert in the Sanctuary

12:00 pm – Optional Lunch with Q&A in Brummet Hall

Nursery will be available from 8:30 am to noon only for participants registered by September 1.