A Vision Of Our Future
November 26, 2023

A Vision Of Our Future

Passage: Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24, Matthew 25:31-46
Today we celebrate Reign of Christ Sunday! Today we look at our vision of where St. Pauls UMC is headed. Whatever this vision is, and whatever outcome we may experience, needs be rooted in God's self-disclosure. That includes this image of the one who would come among us and care for us. What might our future look like, as those who have known, or are seeking to know, God's presence and love and are then called to share it with others? What might it look like if we pursue a "BIG" dream – to Build (church, congregation, community), Improve (ourselves, our church, our community, our world), and Grow Relationships (inviting people to connect with others, and, ultimately, with God)? Rev. Ron Bartlow give the sermon, "A Vision Of Our Future", from Ezekiel 34:11-16 and 20-24, and Matthew 25:31-46 (parable of the sheep and goats).

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