The Lord Is With You
December 24, 2023

The Lord Is With You

Passage: Luke 1:26-38, 1:46b-55
Today we celebrate the Fourth Sunday of Advent, where we light the Joy candle. When approached by the angel Gabriel, and told that she would give birth to the Messiah, Mary's affirmative answer was a response to the work of God, but was, in some ways, a work of God in itself. This final Sunday of Advent focuses on Mary, on her courageous "yes" to God, her earth-changing reply "may it be with me as you have said." But Mary is not alone in the story. God's Spirit makes appearances throughout Scripture, and we continue to talk about how the Spirit inspires us, works within us, moves us. What we see in the story of Mary this morning is the Spirit at transforming Mary's life, leading to her song of praise, motivating her humble and courageous obedience, and ultimately bringing new life. The Spirit continues to work in our lives with much the same results: though we may not hear angels speak to us, the promise of the Spirit is that God is with us. Rev. Ron Bartlow gives the sermon, "The Lord Is With You", on Luke 1:26-38 and 1:46b-55.

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