The Hero’s Journey
January 8, 2023

The Hero’s Journey

Passage: Jeremiah 29:11-14a
Today is Epiphany Sunday. In our Contemporary (9:30 am) Service, Rev. Ron Bartlow begins a new sermon series – "MARVEL(ous) Faith" – where we consider the heroes of MARVEL alongside the heroes of our Christian faith. This week, we look at "The Hero's Journey" (Jeremiah 29:11-14a). It is within all of us to seek God, as in Augustine's prayer: "our hearts are restless until they find their rest in Thee". Our popular culture includes the "hero's journey" or "monomyth", which often portrays our spiritual yearnings. Comic books have been said to be an expression of modern American mythology, exploring many of the same themes as the great ancient myths, which explored themes faith wrestles with: Why am I here? Why do bad things happen? What is the best way to live?
At our Traditional (8:00 am and 11:00 am) Services, Rev. Ron revisits his sermon on "Mark's Action Hero".

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