Reminds Me of Jesus… (Character of the Year: Ted Lasso)
January 28, 2024

Reminds Me of Jesus… (Character of the Year: Ted Lasso)

Passage: Isaiah 53:1-12, Philippians 2:5-13
Rev. Ron Bartlow concludes our four week series on "The Best of 2023", looking at the best words, movie, person and character of 2023 through the lens of scripture. Today, we look at Character of the Year: Ted Lasso (Rev. Ron's pick). Jason Sudekis' portrayal of Ted Lasso not only challenges toxic masculinity, but demonstrates that true strength can be found despite weakness (e.g., his mental health) and through compassion and forgiveness. Jesus' teachings are challenged by some conservatives today for being "woke" or "weak," but we believe that His teachings and His example of compassion and forgiveness are still the better way. Rev. Ron Bartlow gives the sermon, "Reminds Me of Jesus…" Isaiah 53:1-12 and Philippians 2:5-13.

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