Today is the eleventh Sunday after Pentecost. Rev. Ron Bartlow continues his three part sermon series, How To Be Perfec". This follows the current book study of "How To Be…
Today is the tenth Sunday after Pentecost. Rev. Ron Bartlow begins a new three part sermon series, How To Be Perfec". This follows the current book study of "How To…
Today is the ninth Sunday after Pentecost. Rev. Ron Bartlow concludes his sermon series for July, "Our Favorite Things". Rev. Ron gives the sermon on "Our Favorite Things, 5: Our…
Today is the eighth Sunday after Pentecost. Led by St. Paul's lay worship leaders, we continue the sermon series for July, "Our Favorite Things". This week is "Our Favorite Things,…
Today is the seventh Sunday after Pentecost. Rev. Ron Bartlow continues his sermon series for July, "Our Favorite Things". Rev. Ron gives the sermon on "Our Favorite Things, 3: Our…
Today is the sixth Sunday after Pentecost. Rev. Ron Bartlow continues his sermon series for July, "Our Favorite Things". Rev. Ron gives the sermon on "Our Favorite Things, 2: Our…
Today is the fifth Sunday after Pentecost. Rev. Ron Bartlow begins a sermon series for July, "Our Favorite Things". Rev. Ron gives the sermon on "Our Favorite Things, 1: Church…
Today is the fourth Sunday after Pentecost. Last week we looked at trusting God in the best of times. God is with us in the most trying of times, too.…
Today is the third Sunday after Pentecost, and Father's Day. In today's scripture readings, Abraham shows hospitality, God gives a promise, and Sarah laughs. And when the time comes, God…
Rev. Meredith Joubert gives the sermon "Follow Me" (Matthew 9:9-13, 18-26 and Romans 4:13-25). Let us know you're here!