March 16, 2025


Passage: Luke 13:31-35

On this second Sunday in Lent, we reflect on how God has led us in the past and will continue to lead us in the future. His faithfulness to us does not depend upon our faithfulness to Him. Often we have failed to follow His leadership. We have sown seeds of war, not peace; we have spoken words of anger, not love; we have failed to build bridges with our neighbors when we should reach out to them in Jesus’ name. We repent of these sins and ask forgiveness. With soft hearts, look to walk in the ways of reconciliation and peace. Our Lenten worship series “The Hardest Part” is from author, podcast host, and Associate Professor of American Religious History at Duke Divinity School Kate Bowler. Rev. Ron Bartlow  gives today’s sermon “Lament”, with scripture from Luke 13:31-35 and Psalms 13, 130 and 145.

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