From Steve and Kamala to Captain America and Ms. Marvel: Heroism Comes From Within
January 15, 2023

From Steve and Kamala to Captain America and Ms. Marvel: Heroism Comes From Within

Passage: Philippians 2:3-11
In our Contemporary (9:30 am) Service, Rev. Ron Bartlow continues his sermon series – "MARVEL(ous) Faith" – where we consider the heroes of MARVEL alongside the heroes of our Christian faith. This week, we look at "From Steve and Kamala to Captain America and Ms. Marvel: Heroism Comes From Within" (Philippians 2:3-11). God often chooses based on what a person is capable of not based on what we see. For example, choosing David over his taller brothers, or Moses despite his anxiety and fear. And, surprise! Even those heroes aren't always perfect! Steve Rogers and Kamala Kahn both demonstrate good character before they become the heroes we know as Captain America and Ms. Marvel. As Christians, we're called to emulate Christ, to think of others ahead of ourselves, to live from a point of strength within. We may not be - we likely won't be - perfect in living it out, but we can be heroes, if just for one day.
At our Traditional (8:00 am and 11:00 am) Services, Rev. Ron revisits his sermon on "Matthew’s Mosaic Rabbi".

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