Even When All is Shaken… Be Not Afraid
Today is Easter Sunday – He is Risen! Easter is both fear and joy. Easter life is the same, but with the promise that, as we keep our mind on Christ, “perfect love casts out all fear.” A small detail in Matthew 28 – there is an earthquake. The work of God can shake the world to its foundations. We experience that shaking in different ways, and the good news of Easter is we need not be afraid of it; for God has triumphed in and through Jesus Christ. Whatever may leave us feeling shaken, Christ is with us, and we are not alone. That can give us not just comfort and hope, but also courage: courage to live, be, and do because of Jesus! Rev. Ron Bartlow gives the sermon “Even When All is Shaken… Be Not Afraid” (Matthew 28:1-10 and Colossians 3:1-4).
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