A Light In The Dark
Today we celebrate the Second Sunday of Advent, where we light the Love candle. There is a recurring image of God that emerges in Old Testament poetry and literature, the image of a “divine warrior” that champions the righteous and devastates the evil. This morning, though, we see a different image of God presented by the prophet Isaiah. He begins to share about God coming with power, his reward and recompense accompanying him. But the prophet then goes on to describe God in a different way. Rather than a warrior bringing victory in the strength of his arm, Isaiah describes God as a shepherd who gently gathers the lambs in his arms. This is “God the Father,” or “Abba,” that Jesus speaks of. Do we understand God as a far off tyrant, a warrior, or as a beloved parental figure who comes near to us? Rev. Ron Bartlow give the sermon, “A Light In The Dark”, from Isaiah 40:1-11.
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