Rev. Ron V. Bartlow – Who We Are

A generous community following Jesus for the good of the world.

St. Paul’s mission expresses who we are – or at least who we aim to be! – and what we are about. We are a people who long to learn of and follow Jesus Christ, joining together as a generous community to make a positive impact in our world.

St. Paul’s United Methodist Church welcomes and affirms all people to participate fully in the life of our church with no judgments of your history or place in life. Wherever you are in your faith journey, we have a place for you to connect with others and God’s unconditional love.

We are part of The United Methodist Church. Our Worship services strive to be inclusive, and the sacrament of Holy Communion is open to any person of any age who wishes to receive it.

Through our website, you can continue to read about our diverse ministries and what makes us unique. But the best way to discover the community of St. Paul’s is to join us for worship. We can’t wait to meet you!

Leadership and Staff

Rev. Ron V. Bartlow

Senior Pastor
Photo of Rev. Ron V. Bartlow

Biographical Info

I grew up in Arizona, graduating Mesa High School and Northern Arizona University – making me a LumberJackRabbit! – and am blessed to be called to ministry within our Desert Southwest Conference. St. Paul’s is my eighth appointment as a pastor within The United Methodist Church. I will celebrate the anniversary of 25 years of appointed ministry in September, 2023, and look forward to many more!

As a preacher and teacher I aim to “educate the mind, inspire the heart, and motivate the will.” As pastor and shepherd I aim to live out Christ’s commandment to “love one another as I have loved you.” As a spiritual leader, I desire to live out 1 Peter 3:8, cultivating a tender heart and a humble mind. In all things, I aim to grow in love for God and others.

My wife (Lynn) is also a pastor, serving at St. Mark’s United Methodist Church on the northwest side of Tucson. We have two teenaged children and three cats living at home.

Categories: Pastoral and Ministries
Updated 4 months ago.