Rev. Ron V. Bartlow – Leadership and Staff


Rev. Ron V. Bartlow

Senior Pastor
Photo of Rev. Ron V. Bartlow

Biographical Info

I grew up in Arizona, graduating Mesa High School and Northern Arizona University – making me a LumberJackRabbit! – and am blessed to be called to ministry within our Desert Southwest Conference. St. Paul’s is my eighth appointment as a pastor within The United Methodist Church. I will celebrate the anniversary of 25 years of appointed ministry in September, 2023, and look forward to many more!

As a preacher and teacher I aim to “educate the mind, inspire the heart, and motivate the will.” As pastor and shepherd I aim to live out Christ’s commandment to “love one another as I have loved you.” As a spiritual leader, I desire to live out 1 Peter 3:8, cultivating a tender heart and a humble mind. In all things, I aim to grow in love for God and others.

My wife (Lynn) is also a pastor, serving at St. Mark’s United Methodist Church on the northwest side of Tucson. We have two teenaged children and three cats living at home.

Categories: Pastoral and Ministries
Updated 4 months ago.