Today is the sixth Sunday of Easter. Jesus remembered the broken thief into holy paradise. Following the United Methodist Church's General Conference 2024, there may be a sense of the…

All Are Welcome

October 1, 2023
Today is World Communion Sunday, and United Methodists, in conjunction with other denominations and believers worldwide, participate in communion to recognize our unity in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.…
Today is Trinity Sunday, and also Peace with Justice Sunday. Retired pastor Rev. Ed Denham gives the sermon "Pentecost" (Genesis 1:1-3a and John 1:1-5, 14:15-17). Let us know you're here!

A Spiritual House

May 7, 2023
Today is the fifth Sunday of Easter. Rev. Ron Bartlow gives the sermon "A Spiritual House" (1 Peter 2:2-10). Let us know you're here!