Study Classes

Bible and other study classes offered by St. Paul’s UMC.

Women’s Bible Study

Meredith Joubert, Director of Family Services, leads a six week Women’s Women’s Bible Study each Thursday, January 9 through February 13, from 9:15 am to 11 am. It is open to the community, not just St. Paul’s members. To sign up for the study, please complete the online registration form.

The study is on 1 and 2 Kings and examines the life of the prophet Elijah. Elijah was an ordinary man who did extraordinary things for God in the midst of the highs and lows of life. We’ll learn some of the spiritual traits that helped him persevere in faith, including practical habits related to making decisions, caring for the soul, accepting his circumstances, and mentoring others.

The book is available from Amazon and other sources. Or, Meredith would be glad to purchase one for you for $18. Please email Meredith for more information.

Confirmation Class

A new Confirmation Class begins Sunday, February 9. The class meets from 11 am to noon. To register, click here. The classes are for 6th grade through adult. Confirmation will occur on April 5.

Book Discussion

An new book discussion begins Tuesday, January 28 at 10 am, and continues on the 4th Tuesday of each month through May. We will be reading the book “Seven: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess” by Jen Hatmaker. The group meets at Starbucks at 50 S. Houghton Rd, southwest corner of Broadway and Houghton.

The book encourages us to examine the areas in our lives which are full of excess. Specifically: food, clothes, spending, media, possessions, waste and stress. The hope is that our own exploration of where we are overdoing will lead us to live with a more Christ-like simplicity and generosity. This is a great way to kick off a new year!

The book can be ordered through Amazon. Meredith Joubert will facilitate the discussion. Sign up here.