All Are Blessed

November 5, 2023
Today we celebrate All Saints Day! Rev. Ron Bartlow concludes our series on "Our Community". This week's sermon, "All Are Blessed", is from Matthew 5:1-12 (the Beattitudes) and 1 John…

Equipped to Serve

October 29, 2023
Rev. Ron Bartlow continues our series on "Our Community". This week's sermon, "Equipped to Serve", is from John 13:1-17 and 31-35 (Jesus washes the disciples' feet), and Ephesians 4:1-16. Each…
Rev. Ron Bartlow continues our series on "Our Community". This week's sermon, "Don't Just Do Something, Sit There!", is from John 15:1-17 (parable of the Vine and the Branches) and…
Rev. Ron Bartlow continues our series on "Our Community". This week's sermon, "God Loves Cheerful Givers", is from Matthew 23:1-4 and 23-24, and 2 Corinthians 9:5-11. Scripture teaches the tithe…

All Are Welcome

October 1, 2023
Today is World Communion Sunday, and United Methodists, in conjunction with other denominations and believers worldwide, participate in communion to recognize our unity in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.…