With Wings like Eagles

February 4, 2024
"...but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not…

We Still Wait

December 31, 2023
Today is the Seventh Day of Christmas, and New Years Eve! Rev. Meredith Joubert gives the sermon "We Still Wait", from Luke 2:22-40. Let us know you're here!
Today, Rev. Meredith Joubert continues with our lectionary based series, "Questions Along the Way". This week's sermon, "Who Am I?", is based on Exodus 3:1-15 (God calls Moses; Moses responds,…

Follow Me

June 11, 2023
Rev. Meredith Joubert gives the sermon "Follow Me" (Matthew 9:9-13, 18-26 and Romans 4:13-25). Let us know you're here!


May 28, 2023
Today is the eighth Sunday of Easter, and Pentecost Sunday. Today, Christians worldwide remember the day the disciples received the Holy Spirit in a special way. The story in Acts…
Today is the fourth Sunday of Lent. Rev. Meredith Joubert gives the sermon on "Chosen" (1 Samuel 16:1-13 and John 9:1-41). Let us know you're here!


February 5, 2023
Rev. Meredith Joubert gives the sermon on "You ARE" (Matthew 5:13-20). Let us know you're here!