Looking Inward, Living Outward (Worship Series)

Sky Freedom Happiness Image by Daniel Reche

Based on Daniel Wolpert’s book of the same name, during the month of September our worship series Looking Inward, Living Outward will draw from the wisdom of the Sermon on the Mount to inspire us to live after Jesus’ example. Each week, we will consider practices of faith rooted in Jesus’ teaching, and how those practices lead us to live in such a way that the world around us might be transformed for the better.

  • Sunday, September 8: “Cultivating Willfull Attention” (with Rev. Daniel Wolpert). Drawing from Ezekial 20:18-21 and Matthew 7:13-14 and chapters 1-3.
  • Sunday, September 15: “Growing Relationships: Paying Attention.” Drawing from Matthew 5:33-37 and 7:1-5 and chapters 4-6.
  • Sunday, September 22: “Sharing the Abundance: Caring & Serving.” Drawing from Matthew 6:29-21, 24-34 and chapters 7-9.
  • Sunday, September 29: “Nourishing the World: Justice, Peace, and Prayer.” Drawing from Matthew 5:38-48 and 6:5-15 and chapters 10-12.

Interested in joining others to discuss the book? While we are not organizing book studies led by the pastor, we invite church members to gather together and discuss the book. Find a meeting time, meet up at a restaurant or pub, and talk about what you are reading and learning. If you are open to others joining you, please contact the church office so we can share your group’s time and meeting place.

Download a discussion guide for Looking Inward, Leading Outward.