Celebration Sunday

Pumpkin, vegetables, autumn Image by Sabrina Ripke

We are encouraging every one who considers St. Paul’s United Methodist Church your church home to join us for a special Sunday celebration of inspiring worship and fellowship over a catered lunch!

Sunday, November 19 – begins at 10:00am

We will start the day with a combined worship service at 10:00am featuring all of our music groups: the Early Bird Choir, the Sanctuary Singers, Grace Multiplied, Joyful Ringers (our bell choir), the Harmony Men’s Quartet, and even a special Women’s Choir! After worship, we will move over to the Billy and Ann Still Life Center for a festive Italian feast catered by Olive Garden.

Please RSVP your intent to join us using the form below! Thank you.

We hope to see you at the celebration!

Celebration Sunday RSVP
Yes! We are excited to celebrate St. Paul’s and plan to join you for (check all that apply):