Advent and Christmas 2023
Christmas just isn’t complete without Advent activities, caroling, and church services. With that in mind, we have a variety of options for you for this Advent and Christmas season.
Christmas just isn’t complete without Advent activities, caroling, and church services. With that in mind, we have a variety of options for you for this Advent and Christmas season.
Halloween Daze and Trunk or Treat is coming to St. Paul’s UMC Sunday, October 29, 2023, from 4:00 to 6:00 pm. Join us for a safe and fun Halloween event for all ages! Wear your favorite costume. There will be carnival games and Trunk or Treat.
Join the Women’s Fall Bible Study with Rev. Meredith Joubert! Beginning Thursday, August 17, we will study the book of Galatians in a Beth Moore and Melissa Moore study called “Now That Faith Has Come”.
St. Paul’s UMC Summer Youth Program 2023 begins Sunday, June 4 and ends with the District Youth Kick-off August 18-19. It’s inclusive and open to all youth entering 5th grade in the Fall, through current 12th graders. We’ll meet Sunday afternoons in the Billy and Ann Still Life Center, unless otherwise noted.
John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, challenged us to say “I am no longer my own but thine. Put me to what you will. Rank me with whom you will.” In other words, put me with the people you want me to be in relationship with, and then use me to do your good work. In order for this to happen, we have to pay attention to the people around us.
This week, two pieces of legislation concerning immigration policies have been considered by the United States Congress. One focuses on Title 42 and the other on the Afghan Adjustment Act.
One contemporary challenge that many Christians feel is how to reconcile our faith beliefs with our civic engagement.
Once a month, I get to spend my morning making music with and telling stories about God’s love to some of the smallest people on the St. Paul’s UMC campus. We have the cutest, most fun, and most joyful 3 and 4-year-olds. They give me life. I am far more blessed by them than they are by me.
St. Paul’s is getting ready to sponsor a refugee family, as part of our ministry with the UMCOR Mustard Seed Grant. Meredith Joubert, Director of Family Ministries, reflects upon the times that we hosted refugees on our campus in 2019. Part 1 of a two part series.