Give It All You’ve Got
December 8, 2024

Give It All You’ve Got

Passage: Malachi 3:1-4, Philippians 1:3-11, Luke 1:68-79, 3:1-6

Today is the second Sunday of Advent, when we light the Peace candle. The prophet Malachi calls us to watch for the messenger God will send us, a messenger who burns with a passion for God’s coming salvation. We light this candle of peace as a sign of our commitment to passionately pursue the work of making peace in our hearts, our families, our communities, and throughout the earth until God’s kin-dom comes on earth as it is in heaven. Rev. Ron Bartlow gives the sermon, “Give It All You’ve Got”, drawing from Malachi 3:1-4, Philippians 1:3-11, and Luke 1:68-79 and 3:1-6.

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