The Truth of Prophets and Jesters (Movie of the Year: Barbie)
January 14, 2024

The Truth of Prophets and Jesters (Movie of the Year: Barbie)

Passage: 2 Samuel 12:1-13a
Rev. Ron Bartlow continues our four week series on "The Best of 2023", looking at the best words, movie, person and character of 2023 through the lens of scripture. Today, we look at Movie of the Year: "Barbie" (by domestic gross). With wit, humor, and pathos, Gerwig's Barbie eschews the Madonna-esque "material girl in a material world" of the 80's song "I'm a Barbie Girl," not only making Barbie care about more than just the material belongings she has but also challenging the imbalance of power of "patriarchy" where men and horses lead. Similiarly, the prophet Nathan used story-telling to challenge the improper use of power by King David. Rev. Ron Bartlow gives the sermon, "The Truth of Prophets and Jesters" from 2 Samuel 12:1-13a.

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